Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Blog #3 First Draft

Edemir Castano
ENGL 101 – 0768
Dr. Vasilieiou 
Essay #1

"They used to say that a child conceived in love has a greater chance of happiness. They don't say that anymore."

Gattaca is a society where an entire population of peoples are discriminated against and not considered equals and I believe that makes it a dystopian society.  While Genoism in the world of Gattaca is technically illegal it is widely practiced and people born of traditional means are called Invalids, while those conceived through pre-implantation genetic diagnosis with their parents best traits are called Valids.  The fact that they would even sub-group a person as an Invalid itself is devisive and derogatory. It is a declaration that this person is not as valid or filled with as much potential as the person born through an IVF procedure. To further cement how those naturally born are looked down upon, Gattacan’s have taken to referring to Invalids as degene-erates. In fact because Invalids are seen as less capable and less deserving they are not even permitted the same occupational opportunities as Valids. They are forced to do the jobs that no one else wants and even with the laws against Genoism it’s widely accepted and understood that this practice is acceptable.  The practice of discrimination against Invalids is so prevalent that a black market has sprouted where less successful or handicapped Valids can literally rent themselves out to Invalids so that the Invalid may have better opportunities. The valid receives twenty percent of the increased income that the invalid now makes because of the more attractive genetic profile.  This entire process is painstaking and very stressful. An Invalid subjects himself to scrubbing of dead skin cells daily and must leave hair and skin samples of the person he/she is renting out around their work place.  One eye lash or strand of hair discovered belonging to the invalid could mean not only the end of their career but incarceration.   The employers and citizens of the Gattacan society are methodical in their approach to discovering an employee or potential mates DNA, there are even shops were you can have a person’s entire genetic profile mapped out for you in a matter of minutes with a quick swab and a few bucks.  The fact that someone must be subjected to all of this for a fair shake at making something more of their life is incredible.     There are some that will say that my declaration of Gattaca as a dystopian society is unfair.  They’ll remind of the beautiful scene with Vincent and Irene and all the solar panels that provide energy to the citizens of Gattaca.  This futuristic society seems to have a very healthy environment and it also appears that they have managed to limit the occurrence of genetic diseases and disabilities but this still does not make Gattaca a perfect society.  It seems that Gattaca has actually not completely eliminated disease because Irene who was born with her parent’s best traits still has a problem with her heart.  In one heart breaking scene she barely manages to run with Vincent and cries out that she shouldn’t be running like that because of her condition. She even seems disappointed because in Gattaca her bad heart would probably be enough reason for Vincent to be opposed to a relationship with her if he were really a Valid. The doctor that takes Vincent’s urine analysis confides that his son, “… wasn’t all the doctors promised.” He seems to have a renewed hope for his sons’ future after seeing what a degene-erate like Vincent can accomplish even with the odds against him.     Even omitting these instances that prove the science behind Gattaca was not perfect is it fair to subject an entire group of people to a cycle where their children and their children’s children will never be able to fulfill their dreams because their genetic profile dictates their social status? That the only chance the Invalids have at scoring a position at their dream job is by becoming a degener and living an arduous existence where they’re always looking over their shoulder and have to give up twenty percent of their income.  Never mind what happens when they decide to try and settle down to have a family because no Valid would ever subject their offspring to the potential of becoming invalids.  Imagine a world where there are only two kinds of people; the people who have endless potential and in all likelihood will be able to pursue your dreams and then you have people that won’t ever have a fair shot at doing anything more than what their society thinks they are capable of.  Does that sound like a Utopia to you?   To me it sounds a lot more like Gattaca.

Question:  How can I improve my thesis?

1 comment:

  1. You have it great so far , i think you could use more examples .
